Fernando de Leyba

Current Officers (2024)

President – W. J. Jackson

Vice-President – C. Brizendine
Secretary – D. Evans, Jr.
Treasurer – D. Evans, Jr.
Registrar – D. Hahn
Genealogist – M. Hubbard
Historian – J. Watkins
Chaplain – J. Keithly
Sgt-at-Arms – W. Hemenway
Jr. Color Guard Commander – B. Grimstead

Click Here to Contact Chapter Officers

6:30 p.m. – Monthly Meeting – (every 2nd Monday of the Month except July and August) at:

St Charles Knights of Columbus Hall
20 Westbury Dr
St. Charles, MO  63301

Click Here for Map and Directions   

Joint SAR/DAR/CAR Picnic in 2025

The SAR/DAR/CAR Picnic is coming in May, 2025!  Details will be on the Chapter Website.

For Now Find More information About our Chapter at:  Fernando de Leyba Chapter Web-Site.

Contact Us:  https://www.sarfdl.org/contact