Color Guard

Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard

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Additional MOSSAR Color Guard pictures can be found on facebook.
Calendar of Events – Contact: Color Guard Commander
Color Guard
The Color Guard is a group of members from each chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution whose purpose is to teach about the American Revolution by displaying the various uniforms of our Patriots and honoring the flag of our country. The Color Guard is available for any meeting that wants to have the American Flag presented in an honorable fashion.
The Color Guard is made up of both Continental Army and militia uniforms from the various states, with most compatriots desiring to wear the uniforms that their Patriots wore. We try to be as authentic as possible with our uniforms.
The Missouri Society, SAR had a 6 man Color Guard present the colors for the first time at a 1999 Kansas City Chiefs Football game before 80,000 spectators.
The Color Guard is a historical correct ceremonial and living history group whose purpose is to teach the history and ideals of the American Revolution. They are available for parades, ceremonial functions, living history events, school lectures, and other activities.