M. Graham Clark Elementary School Teacher Award

The Missouri Teacher Award is designed to recognize a teacher from a Missouri Elementary School who by their actions in a school setting perpetuates the memory of those patriots who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American People.

The award is named for M. Graham Clark, who was a pioneer in Missouri Education and a member of the SAR.

The winning teachers will be guests of the Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution at the State Meeting in April and will receive a beautiful award.

All applications for the M. Graham Clark Award and/or The National Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award must first be submitted to the Teacher Award Chairman of their local Chapter of the MISSOURI SAR postmarked on or before December 15. The Chapter will submit their winning entry(s) to the State Chairman postmarked on or before December 31.

State winners and their sponsoring chapters will be notified by the Chairman by the end of February.

The MOSSAR M. Graham Clark Teacher of the Year Award Application

For any questions or for more information, contact the State Chairman.

M. Graham Clark

Please Download the Application Form Below

Complete the Application Form and Attach It and Submit It on the Form Below