Josiah Howell Chapter

Chartered April 13, 2024

Meeting Times and Location:

The first Saturday of every month at 5:00 PM at the VFW / American Legion Hall. 1401 Bill Virdon Blvd.,  West Plains, MO. 65775.  Map and Directions Below.

Current Officers – 2025

President:                    Garry Pirch

Vice-President:           Paul London

Treasurer:                    Dale Crandell

Secretary:                    Fred McKinney

Registrar:                     Justin Mutrux

Genealogist:                Justin Mutrux

Historian:                    Paul London

Sergeant-at-Arms:       Les Becker

Chaplain:                     Dale Brake

Charter members are as follows:

Leslie Frederick Becker                                   Brian Howard Felt

Dale Albert Brake                                           John Walter Hass

Nicholas Earl Brake                                        Walter Eugene Henry

Stephen Scott Brake                                      Wayne Jarrett Jones

Ronald Eugene Brown                                   Paul Vernon London

Jeremy Shaun Burks                                      Fredric Duane McKinney

Jimmie Edward Burks                                    Justin John Mutrux

Dale Edward Crandell                                    Steven Gary Perkins

John Edward Crandell                                    Garry Henry Pirch

Scott Michael Doyle, Jr.                                  Ricky George Pirch

Shane Robin Doyle                                         Michael Howard Powers

Gordon Evan Evans                                        David Roy Shaul

Map and Directions

Contact the Josiah Howell Chapter on the Form Below: