George Washington Birthday Celebration and Martha Washington Ball

Hilton Garden Inn - Independece 19677 East Jackson Drive, Independence, MO, United States

Celebrating George Washington's 293rd birthday Come help the  Sons of the American Revolution as they host a celebration of our first President's 293rd birthday.  The Sons of the American Revolution

2025 Missouri Society Convention Registration

Holiday Inn-Riverport 3400 Rider Trail South, Earth City, MO, United States

To: Compatriots, Prospective Members,and Guests of Fernando de Leyba Chapter: All, It is indeed my pleasure to forward you the registration form for the April 25th-26th,2025 Missouri Society SAR Convention.


Battle of Fort San Carlos Festival and Grave Marking

Memorial Cemetery 35 N 5th St, Ste. Genevieve, MO, United States

11:30 a.m.
Registration at Guibord-Valle House
Commemorative challenge coins and medals available for purchase
1 p.m.
Memorial Cemetery Ceremony
(rain location: Ste. Genevieve Catholic Church)
Bring your own wreath and receive a commemorative flag streamer
Militia and Color Guard muster at 12:30 p.m. at Guibord-Valle House