Donate to MOSSAR

The Missouri Society Sons or the American Revolution also accepts donations for a number of funds. These include:
– Misc. Contribution/Donation
Donations to the Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution are gratefully accepted. Funds donated here will be used to further the Society’s commitments to Patriotism, History and Education. These funds in the past have been used for honoring American heroes, erecting roadside markers at historical sites, locating, preserving and marking Patriot Graves and creating programs for Educational Outreach.
– Pershing Fund
This Missouri Pershing Fund was established to provide funding from the endowment interest income for non-budgeted expenditures primarily MOSSAR Youth Awards and expenditures needed to sustain the high expectation of Missouri Compatriots.
The General John J. Pershing Fund is solely dependent on voluntary contributions. To encourage contributions, there are recognition awards designated for each level of contribution. Contributions are not limited to Compatriots of the Sons of the American Revolution. SAR Chapters, Couples, Groups and Corporations are all encouraged to contribute.
The Chairman of the Pershing Fund Committee will be responsible for preparing the award and arranging the time and place for the recognition of contribution.
The levels and types of awards are listed below.
Individual Contribution Awards
$ 50 Certificate of Recognition
$ 100 Recognition Pin and Certificate
$ 250 Pin with Pearl and Certificate
$ 500 Pin with Ruby and Certificate
$ 1,000 Pin with Emerald and Certificate
$ 5,000 Pin with Diamond and Certificate
$10,000 Plaque and Pin with Diamond and Special Ceremony
Chapter, Corporate or Group
$ 100 Certificate of Recognition
$ 500 Certificate and Flag Banner
$ 1,000 Plaque, Flag Banner, and published News article
$10,000 Special Ceremony
– Yohe Public Safety Fund
The Yohe Public Safety Award Fund was established to provide funding to honor public servants who provide excellence in safety for the citizens. While the initial funding of over $8,000 was a great start, that amount of money does not provide earnings, under current market rates, to fund the awards. Executive Vice President Michael Robertson has undertaken a review of this fund and is working to make it viable. Although final plans are not available, information will be presented to enable Missouri Compatriots to contribute to the fund so that a proper level of funding is obtained to provide for future awards. Donors of $100.00 or more will receive a pin and recognition at a MOSSAR meeting.
– Compatriot Fund
In order to provide fraternal financial assistance to compatriots who have suffered economic or other difficulties, the Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution, hereby establishes the Compatriot Fund.
Should a compatriot in good standing need and request financial assistance to remain an SAR member in good standing, the compatriot’s Chapter President may submit an application to the Compatriot Fund Committee. This Committee shall consist of three (3) compatriots as appointed as Trustees by the MOSSAR President.
The Committee shall consider each application for financial assistance based upon factors to be established by the Committee, including, but not limited to, length of time in MOSSAR, service to the Chapter and MOSSAR, and substantive financial need. Each application must be received no later than 30 October, to allow the Committee to transmit information to the MOSSAR Treasurer in a timely manner. The submission of an application by a Chapter President indicates the Chapter will forgive Chapter dues, just as MOSSAR will be forgiving MOSSAR dues for the current year. Upon approval by the Committee, the Compatriot Fund will pay the NSSAR dues for each compatriot whose application is approved. However, the Compatriot Fund shall not authorize payment in excess of the balance-on-hand in the Fund each calendar year. Each compatriot who is assisted by the Fund may not receive such Fund assistance more than five times. A separate application must be submitted by the Chapter President each year that assistance is requested.
The Compatriot Fund Committee shall consist of three (3) Trustees, each from a different chapter. The term of the trustees shall be a staggered three-year term, but the initial set of trustees shall be appointed to terms of one, two and three years. Thereafter, the MOSSAR President will annually appoint a Trustee for a three-year term to replace the Trustee whose term has expired. Said appointments shall be effective immediately following the MOSSAR Annual Meeting. The Trustees shall elect a Chairman among themselves. No Trustee shall serve more than six (6) years in total. The MOSSAR President may appoint a successor Trustee should a Trustee die, resign, or is otherwise unable to serve.
– Color Guard
Color Guard Organizational and Administrative Purpose & Protocol
Consistent with the National Color Guard mission, the Missouri Society’s Color Guard promotes education through demonstration and participation at ceremonial events. As a rule, the SAR does not do re-enactment events. The Color Guard is the most recognizable and frequent public-facing element of the SAR. It is a high honor to those who serve in that role. It deserves professionalism and decorum. and instills pride.
State Commander-Appointed by State President and serves at the pleasure of the State President. At the State President’s choosing, at any time, the State Color Guard Commander role can be re-assigned to another member of the Color Guard. Serving under the State Color Guard Commander are District Commanders. The state society currently has four districts: Northwest, Southwest` Central. and Eastern.
Uniforms-Color Guard members may wear a suitable uniform of the Revolutionary War era, said uniform being as true to design and appearance as possible. Missouri does not have a single “approved” uniform of any military unit of the war. Most members tend to wear a militia or minuteman style of uniform because of greater flexibility of the components and accoutrements, and a more reasonable cost to acquire. SAR medals earned by a guardsman may not be won on the uniform at any state or national color guard event.
Color guardsman of the Year-Annually. a member of the Missouri Color Guard is chosen as the State Colorguardsman of the Year. Criteria for consideration include but may not be limited to: 1) event participation points earned in the calendar year 2) participation at the state and chapter level in other roles and capacity 3) participation with either other State or National society color guard events. The candidate must provide an event scoring sheet to qualify. It is preferable that no single dedicated and committed color guard member receives the award in repeated successive years unless no other state members have demonstrated a level of commitment and dedication commensurate with their available time. One who is still employed should not be discounted out of hand merely on the basis that he was unable to accrue the most points. Color Guard event points must be documentable. A photograph with a summary of the event should be maintained by each member. The member is responsible for tracking points and maintaining documentation of event participation. A Chapter Officer or District Commander may submit the name of the candidate for consideration. Conduct and demeanor should be a level one would ascribe to a person of military rank. When at a public demonstration or ceremony, present a professional appearance, sharp in dress, and smart in formation and execution of commands. Diminishing physical abilities and health may be grounds for suspending formal drills, firing musket, and marching; but otherwise proudly wear the uniform to chapter and state events.
– Auxiliary
The Missouri Auxiliary of the Sons of the American Revolution assists the Missouri Society, SAR in the promotion of membership and in furthering the objectives and patriotic activities of the Society, as listed in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Missouri Society, SAR. The Auxiliary enjoys providing activities of interest for those connected with members of the Missouri Society, SAR.
Make a Contribution!
If you would like to make a donation to one of the MOSSAR Funds listed above, please contact:
Treasurer, Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution using the form below: