MOSSAR Chaplain’s Christmas Message – 2024
Advent – 2024
Four Sundays before Christmas begins the season the Christian Church knows as Advent. Advent traditionally is thought of as the beginning of the Christmas season, and is when we begin our annual celebration of remembrance of the birth of Christ.
Advent is a time of waiting – expectant waiting. If we think about it, most of our ‘Christmas’ music, both sacred and secular, is Advent music rather than Christmas. Think about it: “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas”, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” “All I want for Christmas.” are really waiting for Christmas. Many of our hymns are also ‘waiting’ hymns, such as “O Come, O Come, Immanuel”
And so, with much anticipation, we wait. Many other faith traditions also have holidays around this time of year too, and we wait with them also. The time passes quickly, and the holidays soon will be upon us.
May the gatherings, celebrations, and observances of all our traditions bless you richly in this most glorious season of the year.
Dan Philbrick, Chaplain
Missouri Society, Sons of the American Revolution