Veterans Recognition

Press Release for MOSSAR Newsletter
30 August 2021 (Updated 21 June 2024)
John Hathcock,

Veterans Recognition Committee (Missouri SAR)

The National Society SAR Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee (VRC) continues to stress to the State and Chapter officers the importance of honoring all our veterans in a timely manner.

As Chairman of the Missouri State Society Veterans Recognition Committee, one of my goals is to increase the awareness of the Certificate of Patriotism and Veterans Corps in the State and Chapters and encourage all our eligible veterans to submit the NSSAR Veterans Multi-Corps Recognition Form and Veteran Corps recognition.  We want to honor and recognize every SAR member who has honorably served their country, State, and community in the Armed Forces.

                The SAR has two medals that may be given in conjunction with military service:

                1. The War Service Medal.  This medal is awarded for service in a designated armed conflict in a                 specified area of operations or campaign.  Not to be confused with service during a designated period of armed conflict, i.e. Vietnam “era” veteran.

                2. The Military Service Medal.  This medal is awarded for honorable service in the armed forces, served in any branch of the military, including National Guard and Reserve components.

                It is recommend that all applications be submitted to the NSSAR “Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee” to obtain a “Certificate of Patriotism”.  The SAR Veteran, with the assistance of their Chapter President, State Society President, or their respective Designee must complete and submit the NSSAR Veterans Multi-Corps Recognition Form (Recognition Form),” found on the SAR website at (first, “Log-In” with your username and password).  Then go to – Members > SAR Committees > Veterans Recognition Committee.  Then link to: Veterans Multi-Corps Recognition Form.  Complete instructions, along with the application form are on this site.  (NOTE: The phone number and zip code must be entered exactly like this: PHONE i.e. (262) 567-1234  ZIP i.e. 657012345 Nothing else will work. The form will convert these to the proper format). The endorsement of the Chapter President, State Society President, or their respective Designee is required. This endorsement is to certify that the Compatriot is a member in good standing, and that the Chapter or State Society will present the Certificate when it is received from NSSAR.  This form and supporting documents may be

emailed to:  [email protected] 

SUBJECT Line is: NSSAR Veterans Corps Survey Form 

This form is being emailed to the NSSAR Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee Chairman.

                The Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee was established in 2013 by the NSSAR President General.  At this point the CERTIFICATE OF PATRIOTISM was created – signed by the President General.  Concurrently, the National Society Sons Of The American Revolution VETERANS RECOGNITION SUB-COMMITTEE MULTI-SERVICE CORPS ROSTER was established. This is found on the SAR website at under Members > SAR Committees > Veterans Recognition Committee.  Then link to: Compatriot Members of the Veteran Corp

                SAR Veterans who have NOT received a Certificate of Patriotism from the Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee are not listed on the roster.  The “Chapter or State certificate” accompanying the War Service Medal, or the Military Service Medal are not sufficient to be placed on the Official VETERANS RECOGNITION SUB-COMMITTEE MULTI-SERVICE CORPS ROSTER.

                If you are a veteran of any service, during any period, please complete and submit the Veterans Multi-Corps Recognition Form.  If you previously received a War Service Medal Certificate or a Military Service Medal Certificate, you should complete and submit the new Multi-Corps Recognition Form to receive the updated Certificate of Patriotism and inclusion on the Veterans Corps Roster.

                The SAR Veteran Recognition process can become complicated.  As of April 2020, the VRC has developed over 85 templates to customize each Certificate of Patriotism for the Compatriots distinct and specific service.  The Veteran “Certificate of Patriotism”, signed by the NSSAR President General, and are funded by the George Washington Foundation.

Following are Descriptions of the Seven Veterans Corps

                Also, following is a step-by-step process that helps understand the process:

The proper way to complete and process the Veterans Multi-Corp-Recognition Form. This form is now the form to use for the recognition of veterans and war service.  It is important to read and understand the form and follow the instructions on the form.  You can also access the Veterans Multi-Corp-Recognition Form through “Quik Link” on the NSSAR website, then Share file, then forms and manuals to the multi Corps form.  (Note: you must have additional NSSAR access granted to enter the Quick Link).

1. The applicant and the Chapter president complete and sign the section at the bottom of the form.

2. The completed forms, along with DD-214 (or equivalent, i.e. NGB Form 22 (retirement or discharge orders for Reserve Components)) and supporting documents, are sent directly to the NSSAR Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee.

3. The Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee gives the final approval, prints the Certificates of Patriotism for the appropriate Veterans Corps, “War Service” or “Military Service”, and notifies the applicant and Chapter president that he has approved them, what Veterans Service the applicant will be identified in and which medals you are authorized to wear.

4. All forms approved in each calendar month will be batch processed at the end of the month to the SAR Headquarters in Louisville, KY for mailing to your society secretary

5. Your State Society Secretary will then mail the Certificate of Patriotism to the chapter president for presentation.

6. Your names will be added to your society and chapter roster of all MO veterans who have been added to one of seven veterans corps. The list is published monthly and posted on the Veterans Recognition Sub-Committee web page on the NSSAR website.

7. How your medals are ordered, paid for, and presentation, is up to your chapter.  Currently, chapters in Missouri are eligible to be reimbursed by MOSSAR (through the MOSSAR Treasurer) for medals and attachments.  Medals are ordered through the NSSAR “Merchandise” program.  Certificates are funded by the George Washington Foundation.

Please contact me for any questions and/or clarifications –

                John D. Hathcock, COL, U.S. Army/MOARNG, (Ret.)

                Chairman, MOSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee, 


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